Hello there, #nonscarytechylady here with my simple guide to creating strong and secure passwords without the stress. Let's keep it simple and secure with these easy steps:
Every time you register for a service or access to information online, you will be asked to create a secure password. Very quickly you will have far more passwords than you can remember. (I have 188!) You will also be told not to write it down which is totally impractical!
If you are new to working online or have lost track of your passwords, its worth spending some time to set yourself up with a system that is simple and safe.
Here is my simple guide to creating safe passwords and securely saving them online.
1. Length Matters:
Longer passwords are stronger.
Aim for at least 12 characters.
2. Mix It Up:
Combine uppercase and lowercase letters.
Add in numbers and special characters like these ~`! @#$%^&*()_-+={[}]|\:;"'<,>.?/
Never use easily guessable information like birthdays or names.
3. Passphrase Power:
Think of a favourite phrase or quote.
Use the first letter of each word.
Then add numbers or symbols.
4. Unique for Each:
Don't use the same password for all your accounts.
If one gets compromised, then the others stay safe.
5. Avoid Dictionary Words:
Randomness is your friend.
Steer clear of common words or phrases.
6. Password Managers:
Consider using a password manager for extra simplicity.
They generate and store strong passwords for you.
For Example Dashlane.com. Keepersecurity.com. Roboform.com. Google password manager
7. Update Regularly:
Change passwords periodically.
Especially if you hear about a security breach.
8. Back of an Envelope
If you still prefer to keep a handwritten record, hide it well away from your digital equipment.
Remember, creating strong passwords doesn't have to be complicated. Set aside some time, follow these steps, and take control over your online security. Stay secure and confident in your online adventures! 💻🔐
Here are some examples of 12 character passwords. Think of something you will remember that only makes sense to you! If you have a good memory for numbers, create numerical passwords, if you prefer letters or patterns use more of them.
Plan some in advance of needing them , you will think of better more secure ideas when you are not under pressure to create one!
Completely random
8 | 3 | # | a | Z | B | 4 | M | n | z | 5 | 5 |
Rhyming and topical
W | h | y | A | i | r | f | r | y | # | 2 | 4 |
Obscure (exchanging the letters with number 0)
22G | i | r | l | + | B | 0 | y | = | j | 0 | y |
9 | 0 | + | 3 | N | Z | t | = | 9 | 0 | 3 | ! |
/ | A | \ | { | b | } | ( | c | ) | [ | 2 | ] |